La Destra liberista del Danaro di Soros pone le strutture materiali. La Sinistra libertaria del Costume di Zoros pone le superstrutture “culturali”.


"I due mali contro cui la ragione filosofica ha sempre combattuto – e deve combattere ora più che mai – sono, da un lato, il non credere a nulla; dall'altro, la fede cieca". (N. Bobbio)

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2 pensiero su “Lo strano caso del dr. Soros e di mr. Zoros”
  1. The woman raised her hand to strike her again. �No, I haven�t known a man� she replied. �When did you last bleed?� came the next question. This was a very personal question that she didn�t want to answer, it was her body and no other. The slap stung the whole side of her face. She wanted to stay silent, but the woman twisted her wrist within her restraint, inflicting agony on her and she relented. �Eleven days�. The woman�s eyes seemed to lite up at this statement and she conveyed this detail to the notary. She then passed onto the other girls in the tent, seeming to repeat the same questions and inspections also dishing out punishment for those that didn�t reply.

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